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Grafana - Monitor NVIDIA GPU


In this guide we will enable monitoring of NVIDIA GPUs with Grafana. We will be using dcgm-exporter which is an offician NVIDIA repo. We will be running dcgm-exporter in Docker, adding the job to Prometheus, and finally importing a dashboard. I use Portainer to manage my Docker containers, and Termius to manage my SSH sessions.

You should have completed the following:

These are all pretty quick to get through, and will set you up for the next step.

Deploy dcgm-exporter

The first thing that needs to be done is setting up the stack file. In Docker terms, a stack file is just a docker-compose. In Portainer, create a new stack file and name it dcgm-exporter. Then paste in the following code

image: nvidia/dcgm-exporter:latest
container_name: dcgm-exporter
restart: unless-stopped
runtime: nvidia
privileged: true
- "9400:9400"

external: true

A few things to talk about:

  1. Port 9400 is used, change this if it is already used
  2. I use my monitoring-network that I set up in Set up Prometheus & Grafana

Deploy the stack. You may see something like

time="2024-10-11T14:57:12Z" level=info msg="Not collecting DCP metrics: Error getting supported metrics: This request is serviced by a module of DCGM that is not currently loaded"

It does not necessarily mean anything is wrong. It simply means a module was not loaded, and it may be due to the GPU you are using.

Add to Prometheus config

Now that the Docker container is deployed, the dcgm-exporter job needs to be added to Prometheus. My Prometheus config is located at ~/prometheus/config.yaml which is specified in guide linked above.

nano ~/prometheus/config.yaml

Add a section for the new job, mine looks like

  - job_name: 'dcgm-exporter'
- targets: ['']
instance: 'milton'
  1. A new job called dcgm-exporter is added
  2. The gateway of the monitoring-network is added, NOT the IP of the container
  3. A label that denotes the name I have given to my PC is added, and can be exposed in Grafana

Save your file with ctrl + x and then y and finally ENTER. Restart your Prometheus docker container for the changes to reflect.

Import a Dashboard

A few people have been been kind enough to create a dashboard for dcgm-exporter. To try them out open up Grafana, go to "Dashboards" select "New" and then "Import".

Grafana Dashboard - ID 12239

In the input box for the dashboard URL or ID, enter one the above ID and click "Load". Give your dashboard a name, update the UID to be something a bit more specific, and select your Prometheus data source.


Then click "Import". You should see something like this


I like to resize things and reconfigure a few of the dashboards, but this is a great start. The things I usually care about most are Power, Temps, and Usage and that is easily monitored with this dashboard!